"Not sure how to put words on my feelings never experience this before, I know I am following my dream to bring Love, food and water to orphaned children in areas of the world where it will make a difference."

Christine (Founder of ALALA)

The slum where kids play in a sea of plastics and rubbish

Water is Life,
Life is Love,
Love is Life,
Life is Water

The circle is complete

Mission Accomplished

drinking water for over thousand orphan children in Africa.
"It is important to focus on Love and the joy of giving if we want to elevate those children's life.

"It is my greatest joy to serve food and install clean running water to over 15,000 children in different places and we have danced together, this is the joy we have brought to their life, thank you!"

Next mission: building an orphanage on this land, in Sierra Leone.

Christine (Founder of ALALA)